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Method Validation in Chromatographic Methods (7 Jun 2025)

7 June @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Mode of Conduct: Online

Description: This seminar will focus on the application of method validation techniques to chromatographic analyses. The demonstration of fitness of a chromatographic analytical method to answer a given problem is an important task that a laboratory must undertake before adapting it for routine use. Furthermore, every user of a validated chromatographic method should be aware of its performance characteristics before doing the analytical work.

Learning Objectives: This seminar workshop aims to give an overview of the method validation process for chromatographic methods and an in-depth view of the different method performance characteristics to be evaluated. Participants will work with actual datasets, calculate figures of merit using Microsoft Excel™, and apply these in an actual practical work. The participants will be asked to bring their own laptop for the workshop.

Training Fee: PHP 2,688.00 (VAT-inclusive)
CPD Units: 6
Register on or before 31 May 2025 to avail the 5% Early Bird Discount

Click here to register »


7 June
8:00 am - 5:00 pm